
Showing posts from 2016

Elaborating on the 14 Deming Principles: Part Three

W. Edwards Deming created the 14 Deming Principles to describe a way to manage companies. Here’s an elaboration on principles six through eight. Deming Principle #6: There’s Always Room for Improvement states principle number six is, “6. Institute training on the job.” Keeping your staff in ongoing training, training that never ends really, is vital to the health of a company. Deming Principle #7: Leadership is Essential states that principle number seven is, “7. Institute leadership. The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets to do a better job. Supervision of management is in need of overhaul, as well as supervision of production workers.” Leadership can’t be taught, but it can be grown within someone who possesses the potential.  It is important to find these individuals out in a company and help them, through proper leadership, to know how to become a leader themselves. Deming Principle #8: Usher Employees t

Elaborating on the 14 Deming Principles: Part Two

W. Edwards Deming created the 14 Deming Principles to describe a way to manage companies. Here’s an elaboration on principles three through five. Deming Principle #3: Fix the Defects Now  states that principle number three is, “Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place.” In the US, when they make cars, they get don’t inspect for defects in the process of making the cars. They make the cars and then fix the flaws at the end. In Japan, if they find a defect, they shut the process down and, then, find a way to fix it, so it doesn’t happen again. Then they start the process again. This is vital to pay attention to when working on the effectiveness of a company. Defects and flaws should be worked on right away during the process not after. Deming Principle #4: Don’t Chase Nickels and Dimes states that principle number for is, “End the practice o

Elaborating on the 14 Deming Principles: Part One

Management consulting is so helpful because it provides a rich variety of different perspectives on business.   One aspect that makes it so golden is simply because it is coming from the outside of the company receiving the consulting work.  This keeps ideas fresh and provides companies with unique opportunities.  It provides perspectives on how to grow instead of remain stuck in certain patterns or habits.  It teaches management to take more responsibility and put less strain on workers.  It helps a company become more cohesive in its purposes and move forward as one unit.  Management consulting is highly valuable.  The Deming Principles take management consulting to a whole deeper level.  The Deming Principles are so practical and objective that they can not only be used to aid a company in becoming more successful, but it can also be used as a list of philosophies to live one’s life by. Deming Principle #1: Maintain a Consistent Purpose According to , the first p